Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Aonach Eagach, Glencoe

The path is steep and rocky
and my body’s growing tired.
I’m looking for the summit cairn,
the peak I hope to find - 
and at the top I’ll rest awhile
and take a look around, 
decide if I’ve the energy
for the track above the cloud.

For I know that there's more climbing, 
there are still flowers at my feet,
but weariness keeps nagging me - 
a voice I cannot cheat.
I’ve wandered far, I’ve sung my songs, 
the wind is still as sweet, 
but all of us are passing through
to where all pathways meet.

My track is strewn with metaphor
and words mean what you read.
We all of us hear different songs
along the roads we tread.
 But looming in the distance
 or rising at our feet
that final hill is where we go
and where all pathways meet.

© C.M.M. 10/16


Wellington Maia said...

Muito lindo oque escreve. Parabéns. Vou continuar lendo.

Christine McIntosh said...

Thank you!